Monday, December 26, 2005

Feliz Navidad

Merry Christmas to all!

We have just taken the morning ferry from Utila to La Cieba. It´s tough to leave our tranquil little island behind but move on we must and the rain there has been a bit of a downer. Right now it is dumping buckets on the streets of La Cieba, there is nearly 6 inches of running water at the crosswalks and I saw a boatload of Puerto Ricans stranded on a small curb at an intersection, their raft had run aground and they looked confused.

We plan to bus across the border now which will be a 12 hour ordeal, naturally we shall travel first class as that is what we are accustomed to but it will still take awhile. We will bus from here to San Pedro Sula this afternoon, spend the night, then continue on to Guatemala City in the morning tenatively arriving around 5pm. We will get out of there as soon as possible since it is full of gangsters and loose women. One hour away is the quaint town of Antigua where we shall regroup and rally for another 3 hour bus ride to San Pedro de Atitlan on the shores of lake Atitlan, renouned for its tranquil beauty, volcanoes and roving banditos. Sounds nice.

Christmas dinner was spent with Steve and Michelle and new friends from England and Holland. We dined on curried lobster, shrimp, turkey and coconut tartlets. It was all quite delicious but made standing up difficult at the end of the meal. Such are the hardships when one travels in the 3rd world.

Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night,


Jason said...

Well, I don't hate you for having the most fun in the world but I am a little uncomfortable. Reading your adventurous posts have made my travel bug start biting like never before. I say that makes for good travel writing, keep the words coming....I have to go find a plane.

Jason said...

I forgot to express holiday joy and cheer...Merry Latin America Christmas to you, Angela, Steve and Michelle!